Monday, March 9, 2015

Desire and Arousal

This topic was of particular interest to me, because I think nearly every person will encounter this as an issue either personally or with a partner at some point in their lives, and it will no doubt come up often with couples. I though the groups presented the topic very well, and covered many facets of the challenges in both males and females. The wiki page is comprehensive (thanks a lot guys, for setting the bar so high! :)), covering everything from DSM criteria, to assessment and treatment. I appreciate the plethora of articles as resources and enjoyed the comic relief, and especially agreed with the porn sentiments expressed by (go figure) Russell Brand. I heard a talk by Adam Savage on the subject of porn a while back that spoke to me. Luckily, I was able to find the clip. Should you care to give it a listen, it can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this clip! It was really interesting audio and I really enjoyed listening to him talk about navigating talking to his kids about sex. Not only that but I just really liked what he had to say, I thought it was really insightful.
    Great find!
